Latest SAP CRM Interview Questions and Answers
Organization Model
What is the difference between standard backend version
and enhanced back end version of organization model?
ANSWER The enhanced version allows for multiple assignments of
a single object. As an example, in R3, a sales group can be
assigned to multiple sales offices. In the standard organization
model, this is not possible.
As SAP’s CRM product has evolved, it has become more
compatible with the R3 product. Before CRM 4.0, it was not
possible to assign an organization object to more than one
organizational object. This was a problem for many SAP
customers because in R/3, it is possible. So in 4.0 and after,
SAP introduced the ability to handle multiple assignments
and a program to convert the org model to this structure.
So if your client has R/3 organization model that involves
multiple assignments, you will need the enhanced version.
Creation of a Business Partner
I have several questions.
1) While creating a business partner in CRM enterprise, it
asked for BP role.
I created it with a role prospect. Later on, this partner has
given me some business. Shall I create a new record for this
business partner or change the existing partner record like a
‘prospect to sell to party’.
2) Who creates the business partners? Is it an end user or a
functional consultant?
For example, if I created a prospect in CRM enterprise on
production server and in due course, this business partner
have given me some business. Shall I create a new BP record
of role sold to party or change the existing record from BP
role prospect to BP sold to party?
ANSWER It depends on specific situations and required functionalities.
If you are talking about a project mode where you as a
consultant are customizing and developing, for example
CRM online, you might want to have a master data to test
your configuration. In that case, you probably will create
some of your own master data simply to test everything you
are configuring (development system).
On a production system however, it is usually the end user
- 5 - who creates the master data, such as business partners,
products, etc.
The company however should decide if for example every
sale should be able to create new prospects/customers in the
system, or if this should happen via a single point of entry (1
team responsible for creating and maintaining master data).
You would have to change the classification of the business
partner (see tab page classification hours) from prospect to
Again, where you do it depends on your setup. Which system
is leading (CRM or R/3) and who are prospects or customers
replicated from one system to the other.