Latest SAP FICO Interview Questions and Answers 2013,2014,2015

What is “dunning” in SAP ?

A: Dunning is the process by which payment chasing letters are issued to customers. SAP can determine which customers should receive the letters and for which overdue items. Different letters can be printed in SAP depending on how far overdue the payment is; from a simple reminder to a legal letter. The dunning level on the customer master indicates which letter has been issued to the customer.

Enterprise Structure

What is a Company Code and what are the basic organizational assignments to a company code?

Company Code is a legal entity for which financial statements like Profit and Loss and Balance Sheets are generated. Plants are assigned to the company code, Purchasing organization is assigned to the company code, and Sales organization is assigned to the company code.

What is the relation between a Controlling Area and a Company code?

A Controlling area can have the following 2 type of relationship with a
Company code

a. Single Company code relation
b. Cross Company code relation

This means that one single controlling area can be assigned to severaldifferent company codes. Controlling can have a one is to onerelationship or a one is to many relationship with different company codes.

Controlling Area is the umbrella under which all controlling activities of Cost Center Accounting, Product Costing, Profit Center and Profitability Analysis are stored.

In a similar way Company Codes is the umbrella for Finance activities.