Polaris Placement Paper Technical, Aptitude Questions 2011
Technical Section: 40 Questions in 30 Minutes
covered basics of almost all ECE subjects like about Transistors,
Digital & Microprocessors, Communication, Microwave etc, but
Questions were only basics nothing in deep and all questions had
1. Questions about Transistor basic working.
2. Boolean expression was given for simplification-simple.
3. How many flags does 8085 have? (ans-5)
4. Which of the following are universal gates?
(Ans. Nand, Nor)
5. What is the frequency range of mobile communication?
6. The resolution of picture in TV depends on..
a. Number of lines scanned
b. Video detector o/p
And two more choices were given…
7. Question on stability of FET
8. What is the modulation used to transmit sound in TV signal
a. VSB
b. FM
And 2 more choices were there.
9. What is double integration of a unit step signal?
a. Ramp signal
b. Parabola
Don’t remember the other Two…
(Ans. b)
10. Question about spectral density-basic.
11. Question about basics of finite fourier transform(FFT), It was
something about 8pt FFT…don’t remember exactly…but if u know the
definition you can do…
I am not able to memorize the rest frenz…but there were few more Questions on transistors…
Aptitude Section: 30qns in 30min, All Questions had choices.
1. Completing Series of alphabets was given.
2. A guy walks @ 4kmph from a point, After Four hrs a cyclist starts
from the same point at 10kmph, At what distance will they meet from the
starting point?
The question was almost like this don’t remember exact wordings.
3. x% of people have tea, y% have coffee, z number of people have both, find the totalnumber of people.
Solution: Easy have to use n (AUB)=n(A)+n(B)-n(A intersctn
4. Figure given & we have to find out the number of four sided figures in it, little complicated because less time.