Live Search Improves the Crawler

Improved search efficiency

Content crawling method improves the search engine efficiency.Google, All search engines like Google, Yahoo updating their content crawling method, MSN also joins the party. To improve the efficiency of its ability to crawl and index your websites, live search has made many updates in the crawler

Two important updates are made:

1.‘HTTP compression’ and 
2.‘Conditional get’.

HTTP compression:

 “HTTP compression makes faster transmission time. Faster Transmission time is possible with compressing static files and application responses, reducing network load between your servers and our crawler”-said Fabrice Canel, of live search crawling team.. This feature is now supported by most of the browsers and popular search engines like Google.

Conditional Get:

As stated in official Live Search blog, “Last time we crawled a page and then some changes are made to that page, in that case we will not download the page unless it has changed. Our crawler will include the "If-Modified-Since" header and last download time in the GET request and when available, our crawler will include in the GET request "If-None-Match" header and the ETag value. Web server will respond with a 304 HTTP response, if the content hasn't changed.” Fabrice has given an explanation on how to configure the Conditional get in your website and it is very simple to do. With the help of online tools, you can simply check whether your website already supports the "If-Modified-Since. 

You can check it:
For Internet Explorer - using Fiddler 
for Firefox - using Live Headers . 

By using with these tools you can create a custom GET request and send it to your server. 
Note:Make sure that your request includes the "If-Modified-Since" header.

A sample “If modified-Since” header-Given by Fabrice
    “GET /sa/3_12_0_163076/webmaster/webmaster_layout.css HTTP/1.1
    If-Modified-Since: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:28:49 GMT
You will get a server response to the following simplified sample:
    "HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified”

“If you have not yet configured conditional get on your site, we would strongly encourage you to do so, as it can significantly help reduce server load as most browsers and crawlers already support this feature” says Fabrice Canel.

Live search has also upgraded the user agent to "msnbot/1.1" to optimize the crawling. According to official MSN space, there are many more updates that are on the way.

Google Maps on iPhone-Tips

New application for iPhone..Its Easy(Its available for download in the Apple App Store). This application is designed to be simple—whenever you need it you use this app.

Make Pin on the Map

Press and hold any location on the map, to drop a pin. For additional options like saving the location or accessing Street View (if available) tap the resulting info sheet.

Street View

If you want to see an unbroken view of a surrounding region of Street View images, press and hold any location you want on the map, touch the info sheet, and then touch the image. Travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to identify the location by pressing the look-around icon (on the bottom left) and moving your phone.

Shake to Send Your Feedback

If you know something has been changed (like road closed or a hotel that has moved to another place) or give some suggestions by shaking your iphone and send feedback to help us improve the map and our application.

Shake The iPhone

Swipe to See More

When you are searching or getting directions for something you need to swipe the info sheet to the left/right to browse additional results. If you want to find one you like then tap it/swipe it up to see more details (e.g. a company hours or transit stops).

Swipe to see more

Access Views 

By tapping the three dots at the bottom right or by swiping from right to left with two fingers,you can access satellite, traffic and public transit views.

Preview steps in Navigation (Beta)

Shows upcoming route in Navigation (Beta) mode. By swiping the top bar to the left,its gives the preview of the upcoming route (click Resume to return to the start). It gives estimated travel time and remaining miles by tapping the bottom bar

Single Finger Zoom

If you want to zoom in and out, you can do it with your single finger.If you zoom a location follow the steps:
1.double-tap a location
2.hold the second tap
3.drag your finger up or down.

Work & Home

You can save your home and work locations. To save them across all your devices,you need to tap the My profile button(it will be after the search box).

Compass Mode

If our and the map point directions are same then reading the map is very much easier.By using the compass mode you can do this.By tapping on the My location button twice on the bottom left of your screen,to orient yourself.

Save a Place

To get quick access you can save your favorite places . In your device, saved places will appear on the map and on your search results. By tapping the star icon on a location or place info sheet, you can save a place.

Download Google Maps on iTunes

Doodle 4 Google 2013 Competition is open for submission!

Google announces its Doodle 4 Google Competition By Inviting Kids:

They invites K-12 students from all over the country to create a “doodle” means special Google logos you see on Google homepage on various occasions. 

This year’s theme Concept is: “My Best Day Ever...

Building a Strong and everlasting candy? Okay by us!Break dancing with aliens? Sure! Riding to school on a brontosaurus?imaginations like this. If you need more examples Click the below link to watch the video..

They display the winner's work on the Google homepage for a day, win a $30,000 college scholarship prize, and win a $50,000 cash prize for technology grant to his/her school.

The judging starts with Googlers and a panel of guest judges.

On May 1st they will take a public vote for the 50 State Winners. On May 22 they’ll be flown to New York City for a national awards ceremony . They will announce the National Winner there, whose doodle will appear on the Google homepage in the next day and all the State Winners work should display on the American Museum of National History from May 22 to July 14.

Participation is easy. You can download the entry forms on "Doodle 4 Google Site" and send in completed doodles by mail/online. You must send your entry form on or before March 22 with a parent/ guardian’s signature. Remember, they will allow only one doodle per student and there’s no limit to the number of doodles that come from one school or family... 

If you have any doubts/you need more details, check out, there you can find full contest rules and entry forms. Happy doodling, and good luck!

Selecting Elements Returned from jQuery Ajax Response Strings Explanation With An Example

The jQuery selection engine is readily adaptable and fast. It makes selections against DOM elements as well as in-memory memory markup strings. When you join this functionality with the ability to get the full HTML markup from pages throughout your site, you have most interesting ways to re-use content in your web application.


Consider an application which includes data on one page into another page. Reasons are vary to this approach, but common things include working with legacy or “black box” systems where you have no control over the server implementation or where you are working with static content. In the end both “black box” and static content circumstances afford you no opportunity to prepare data on the server into typical Ajax response messages (i.e., JSON or XML).

Here consider an example that works to fetch content fragments from static HTML files and display them on another page in the site. The Fig. 1 shows a static HTML page that contains movies list from multiple categories in the system.

Fig.1 Full Movies List Page

The Movies List page has all the films in the system, the home page will only display a subset of the movies to users.

Figure 2 displays how the home page gives only the Action films on the page.

Fig.2: The home page displaying only action films

To make this an Ajax call against the static HTML page is required. Once the response from the Ajax call is identified by the browser, then some part of the page is extracted from the full response by using jQuery selectors on the markup returned from the static page.

The response from the Ajax call includes, which includes the DOCTYPE element as well as the root HTML element of the document (i.e. the markup of the full HTML of the page). The jQuery selection engine requires that query targets must have a single root element not two root-level elements. This issue is resolved by manually adding a root element to the response string which is done by wrapping it in a logical container like a DIV element.


The Movies List page code is in List 1 which shows how each category of movie is divided by a SECTION element with a corresponding ID value.

List 1: Movies List page (movieslist.html)

<h1>Movies List</h1>
<li>Die Hard</li>
<li>The Matrix</li>
<li>Raiders of the Lost Ark</li>
<li>A Few Good Men</li>
<li>The Shawshank Redemption</li>
<li>Legends of the Fall</li>

The home page code is in List 2 which includes only a single structural element found in a DIV tag which acts as a shell for the content rendered on the page.

List 2: HOME page (home.html)

$(function () {
$.get('movieslist.html', function (response) {
var source = $('
<div>' + response + '</div>

By registering the jQuery load handler the JavaScript on this page starts. Once the page loads, a call to the $.get API finds the movieslist.html page. The response from this request is the full HTML markup of the movieslist.html page. The raw markup is not primarily select-able the string is overjoyed with a root DIV element and is then instantiated as a jQuery object, making it ready for processing by the selection engine.

To discover the desire part of HTML in the Movies page, the find API is used to query the descendants of the full markup and return only the elements needed for the home page. Once the data part is identified, it’s then feed into the innerHTML of the content host element by using the jQuery html function against the DIV with the ID of movies.

Finally, List 3 contains the common styles used in each page to apply some minimal styling to the pages.

List 3: Style Sheet (styles.css)

body, html

font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;