VALUE LABS Placement Paper I

VALUE LABS Placement Paper @ Hyderabad On 2007

Here is the pattern

1.Verbal( 9 questions)

it is very easy one total 9 questions are there , some are spelling corrections , some antonyms and synonyms, easy ones, i didn’t remember the questions

2.Aptitude(7 questions)

this is also easy one, i got
1.numerical problems,
2. what is the angle when the time is quarter past 9, problem like there are hens and cows the legs r double the number of heads then how many hens r there,
4.if one number is divided by 10 it gives 9 , if divided by 9 gives 8 as reminder, with 8 gives 7………….and if 2 gives i what is that number.
5.problem on interest , like for a given amount 4500 the rate for some amount is 4 % and for the rest of amount it is 6 %, even though he is getting the same amount what is the average rate
6. one person A sold his flat to B for 10% gain , again b sold his flat for 10%loss, what is the deal given for A by B
7.some thing related to % problem (error)
this one is very very easy
1.if a word RESULT is represented as 346751 and CAM E is represented as 4651 not the same like this one
2. if word MANAGER represents as AAEGMNR then what should SANDEEP represents not the same, like this one
3.problem on streams
4. and 4 more easy questions easy one , you can mark by seeing them
4 .Basic computers
all easy questions like
1.wat is IP
2. identify the binary number given below
3.wat is other name for mother board (system board)
4.wat is the first micro processor(8088)
like this easy ones
here only I lost with out attempting the 4th section because lack of pattern (i.e. timer shown by computer)
so friend’s beware of this model, I know this will help you a lot , all the best for you all
all the remaining rounds are common i.e. gd, tech1, tech + hr all are depending upon your resume.